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Dr. Mark Croucher
  Mark Croucher, DC
Spine specialist with expertise in nonsurgical care. Spinal stenosis. exercise management. chiropractic. Mark Croucher

To make appointments with Dr. Croucher call

(757) 259-1122.

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Mark Croucher, DC

Mark Croucher, DC

Since 1992, I have been helping people who suffer with chronic, painful spinal conditions. Our patients have been diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, spinal arthritis, disc herniations, post-surgical spinal pain and spinal stenosis.  These conditions can be extremely painful and take the joy out of life.  Helping people to move better and feel better has been my life’s work.“


Mark Croucher is a doctor of chiropractic and the founder and clinic director of The Spine Center of Williamsburg. He has 30 years of clinical experience in private practice.


Aside from his daily work in clinic, Dr. Croucher is a member of the North American Spine Society (NASS) and performs scholarly peer review of new research for The Spine Journal and the open access North American Spine Society Journal.  These are international, multidisciplinary journals that publish original, peer-reviewed papers on spinal research and treatment related to spine care, including basic science, surgery, rehab and clinical investigations.


Dr. Croucher is a faculty member of the North American Spine Society - Section on Interdisciplinary Spine.  This multidisciplinary committee is comprised of surgeions, clinicians, therapists, and researchers.  They utilize education, research and advocacy to foster the highest-quality, ethical and evidence-based spine care for patients.  Dr. Croucher is also a past member of the NASS exercise committee where he lectured on current research regarding exercise therapy for various spinal conditions.  

In his home life, Dr. Croucher is an avid fitness enthusiast and loves spending his spare time with his family. 



Graduate of New York Chiropractic College

Licensed by the Virginia Board of Medicine. 

Member North American Spine Society

Member American Chiropractic Association. 




“I could hardly move my neck and had pain in my right shoulder – but that was when I first went to Dr Croucher. I dance – it’s my soul food so I really needed the pain to go away and to have movement back. Well, I am back dancing up a storm thanks to Dr Croucher. His expertise and patience is remarkable. THANK YOU!!”


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